How to work from home during lockdown | Swole Panda

How to work from home during lockdown

How to work from home during lockdown

As with many companies, our team is currently working from home to keep everyone safe and healthy. It’s vital to look after yourself during this time, particularly when it comes to your mental and physical health. So, here are a few tips that I've drawn together to help you during these unusual times.

Working from home allows a somewhat flexible schedule, but it’s important to set boundaries for yourself. Try to get up at the same time and take a lunch break as you would usually do. Although it’s tempting to lay in for a few hours and stay on your computer until later on in the evening, you must distance your ‘work time’ from your ‘home time’ so your brain can switch off.

I agree that comfort is key (have you worn our bamboo socks?!), but changing out of your PJ's and into ‘proper’ clothes will help adjust your state of mind into work-mode. I'm not suggesting you go and wear a full suit and tie around the house, however, sticking to the same routine of getting ready each morning will help you feel more productive and ready for the day.

The gym may be a no-go at the moment, so make sure you take a break from your screen and step outdoors for a few minutes every so often (following social distancing rules of course). A short walk in the morning to wake yourself up, a break at lunchtime or an evening stroll are all important for your mental and physical wellbeing.

Although you may be physically isolating yourself from others, it’s doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t speak to people throughout the day. Sending emails or WhatsApp messages doesn’t necessarily count as having a real conversation with someone, so pick up the phone or FaceTime to ensure you have a touch of human connection in your day.

You will no doubt be looking at your feet while you’re on the third conference call of the day, so treat yourself to some of my current favourites. Our Motif collection of bamboo socks pair perfectly with shoes, or slippers on this occasion. We also have our range of plain ribbed bamboo socks if you're missing the more "formal" office attire. Have look at our full range of bamboo socks here.

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